Sunday, July 3, 2011

A beautiful Cock turns the Cluckingham girls in to Harlots!!!

The Colonel arrived at Cluckingham Palace yesterday and made the girls’ hearts go a flutter.

Poor Rhonda (Burchmore) was knocked off her high horse in the pecking order. She was ballsy enough to want to take the big cock on tough.

We had to green needle poor Princess Eugenie….apparently she had an egg stuck in her hole and consequently, despite steroids, fingering and a night at the vet’s surgery, her legs became paralysed.

We went to visit Andrew and Peter ( where we bought our girls from as we wanted to order some more chooks. We left after much frivolity trying to catch THE COLONEL with a beautiful rooster. We had eyed his beauty upon our first visit and again noticed him this time. Andrew and Peter had offered us adoption of their beautiful boy upon our first visit. They were right when they said having poultry is addictive…….upon our second visit we are now in possession of a beautiful rooster with the most stunning feather colours.

When The Colonel was introduced to the girls he strutted his stuff and proceeded to turn our beautiful girls into Harlots. With ten minute he had BEDDED two of them.

At sunset he managed to find himself a perch and guarded his girls with pride. We were awake early anticipating his morning wake up call. 626am he decided to let the residents, in our immediate surrounds, know he was here. With a quick coffee in hand and a dash to the palace he was contented to quietly free range and strut his stuff around the yard.

As we want to keep him, we are madly doing our research on ways to minimize the vocalisation of our rooster. We have read that humanly we can place him in a box at night and can house him inside. We may give this a go this evening to see if we can get him through to a later time before he announces the morning.

I am sure the warmth of the house will be nicer than the cool winter breeze through the confines of Cluckingham.  

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