Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crazy Chook Names

Okay, so I have to do it. I have been thinking of names for my hens and for potential roosters as I come across them I add them to the list. My friends have been too willing to share their ideas too. I am going to log them all for future use. Feel free to comment and add your own. This could be a wealth of inspiration. NO OFFENCE INTENDED. Here they are;

Flyza Minelli
Doris Lay
Elizabeth Laylor
Barbra Streishen
Chictine Aguliera
Margaret Hatcher
Gw-HEN-ith Poultry
Victoria Peckham
Yoko Ono
Chick Flick
Flygella Lawson
Margaret Hatcher
Steph-henny Rice
Feather Lockier

Buff Orphingtons: Goldie Horn, Jeanie Little, Joan Rivers, Ginger Vitis,
Silver Laced Wyandottes:  Silver, Lace, Wine, Dot

Drag Queen Chook Names:                                                                                            
Della Catessen
Tess Tosterone
Rita La Cock Eater
Rachel Tension
Sharon Husbands
Tequila Mockingbird
Ivana Cockatoo
Sofonda Cocks
Wilma Ballsdrop
Amanda Playwith
Devoida Taste
Iona Toyboy
Layona Back
Ivana Kutchakockoff
Winnie Baygo
Anita Big-Juan
Miss Diagnosed
Ivana B. Queen
Kaye Wye
Henny Penny Tration
Rosie Cheeks
Jean Pool
Hope Heelcum
Eileen Dover
Paige Turner
Shanda Lier
Anna Rexia
Bertha Venation
Patty O. Furniture
Crystal DeCanter
Kitten Kaboodle
Amanda Reckonwith
Miss Inglink
Miss Construe
Holly Mackerel
Hollee Luja
Orna Mint
Sharon Needles
Eva Destruction
Bea Reasonable
Dee Flaytable
Luce  Change
Rhea Listik
Miss Take
Miss De-Meaner
Miss Understood

Cock Hudson
Ernest Heningway
Cluck Kent
Russell Crower
Chirper Reed
Burgurk Newton