The following sequence of photographs represents a mosaic gift given to the Princiapl of my previous school as a parting gift. Every now an then you meet someone who has a major impact on you as a person and as a professional. Chris supported me in many ways and endorsed and encourgaed my creativity and allowed me to, as she says, "weave my magic." This project has special memories for me as I was able to finally break one of my wild children. It took all year, but finally we found something he was good at. He enjoyed the fact that for seven years he had been a major pain in the butt - and that he was now prepared to assist in making a farewell gift for the school. The mosiac board allows one to break down walls and enjoy life - as we all should.
The green represents the Greenbank Way(ve) - play on words. The large eye in the centre - the Principal's vision. The smaller eyes in the background represent the vision of others who support the school.
The tiles coming down from the top are a symbol - the REIGN (rain) of knowledge.
The INSPIRE was given to one of the dearest people I have ever had the pleasure fo working with. Mel! What can I say? She owns a piece of my heart.
A final parting gift to the school. One of my favourite flowers "The Iris." We made this in one week!
This was my first piece EVER. Is symbolises how Greenbank State School fits into the wider community.
My second attempt at mosaicing ever. "The Peacock Pot" was inspired by the daily vist of Handsome the peacock who would come into the classroom and sit on the table to watch the children and the fishtank.
Another pot for the entry way in the school.
And then there is the school logo. A trememdous group of students assisted with this one. I have very fond memories of this tremedous class.
The "Trilogy" looks amazing on the wall. I really wish I had these at home.

They're amazing. I love the "Inspire" one, and those terracotta planters are so eyecatching.
ReplyDeleteThank you Maggie. I adore the sunflowers as they brighten up what was once a very dull part of the school grounds where I use to work. The planters are great too. I am about to make one for a gift. Long time over due, OUCH. I am sure it will be appreciated.
ReplyDeleteWow, they are beautiful. I've been wanting to give mosaicing a go but dont know where to start and lack the space. Would love to make two similar flowers
ReplyDeleteSorry GadgetGirl....I just found your comment. Please do not think I am rude. Thank you for the praise. I made these with the student in my class.I am in dire need of a shed, but instead of having a movie family room in our house we have turned it into the studio. Filled with mess, but great to work in. I am about to start another project.