Saturday, September 10, 2011

Omega-3 Eggs at Cluckingham Palace. Bum-Nuts of Goodness!

Getting Back to Basic……turning our Bum-Nuts into something even healthier! We are now selling our free range, organic Omega-3 eggs. If you are nearby and wish to receive them, yell out. In a health food store you would pay up to $7.00 per dozen…to our friends $3.50 (this assists with the cost of feed etc).

To provide you with further information as to why we have decided to produce Omega-3 eggs, here goes.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that our body cannot produce. These acids are important and are required by our bodies at all stages of our lives. 

There are 3 main types of Omega-3- ALA, EPA, and DHA.

The Omega-3s are commonly found in foods such as canola oil, linseed and walnuts. Salmon and tuna are an excellent sources of Omega-3. For those who are allergic to fish, like me, need to find another alternative.

So why is it good for you?

  • is a major building block of the cells in the brain and retina so it is crucial for brain growth and visual development. 
  • is important for the signalling process in the brain and nervous system. 
  • form hormone-like substances which help reduce inflammation, increase flexibility of blood vessels and help blood flow (assisting to prevent brain clots).
  • help reduce risk of heart attack. 
  • aides arthritic conditions..  

How much do you need?

To prevent a deficiency of Omega-3 the recommended daily intake should be around 90mg for women and 160mg for men. If you wish to be proactive in creating a diet that is assisting in lowering chronic disease risk a much higher amount is recommended: •  For women 430mg per day  •  For men 610mg per day.

How do we get Omega-3 into the eggs?

The girls at Cluckingham Palace are living in a stress-free environment. Many of whom will run up for a cuddle the minute we make ourselves available. They are fed, and enjoy, a balanced diet of natural grains, walnuts, flax seed and fresh scraps from a fruit and vegetable produce market. Combining all of this with natural worming procedures – our girls are chemical free and loving life while they produce Bum-Nuts of Goodness!

Please note I am not a dietitian or a medical practitioner and the above is purely guidelines that I believe to be true at the time of writing this entry. If you have any further information as to how we can assist in making the girls’ lives productive without the use of chemicals – get in touch.

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